Original email for context: My sister and I plan to start phase 2 when I get back from trip around the 20th of March which is one whole month later than we had planned. The problem is- I don’t know how to eat until we start phase 2. It won’t be for another whole month. I’ve been psyching myself out to start phase 2 this week and had started to try and eat “clean” by eating higher fat and low carb, but I’m afraid I can’t eat high fat like that for a month and not pack on even more pounds.
I had the brilliant idea that maybe we should do Phase 3 and get used to the recipes and the P3toLife program, but I thought I would reach out and ask what to do.
Yes I actually think that is a FANTASTIC idea to do the P3tolife program before hCG – like you said, you’d get in a groove- you might even lose a few lbs honestly in the first couple weeks which would probably make you feel good (no promises on that though, but some members lose). It would be a good balance since you mention concern over eating high fat too long because P3tolife is not ketogenic- it’s very balance low carb plan with a lot of vegetables – it really seems to suit just about every woman’s body so far.
The other thing that some ladies do that I also did prior to starting the diet was just a 1 week pre-hcg diet that was high fat and very very low carb – that possibility can be found here:
The 1 Week Pre-hCG Diet to eliminate cravings on P2.
I also highly recommend once you get to the 2 loading days that you consider Clean Loading.