Original email: Good morning, I was wondering if you’ve heard or know anything about doing the hcg injections 3 times a week as opposed to every day. I think it’s usually prescribed this way for males but my doctor said I could use it this way, however, he didn’t have ... [Continue Reading]
If I still have some weight lose after doing 1 round of the hCG diet, can I lose the rest on my own?
Original email for context: I'm wondering if after 1 round, if I still have to lose some weight, am I required to do the HCG diet again? Can't I just do a healthy diet and exercise? Hello! This depends a little bit on if you've had success losing weight on your own in ... [Continue Reading]
How can I correct weight gain until I can do another round of hCG?
Original email for context: I have done about 5 rounds with HCG nasal but this time I have gained 10 lbs. I had to start taking a statin pill for cholesterol and not sure if this doesn't help. My doctor doesn't want me to do another round right now as I'm taking omega ... [Continue Reading]
I NEED to be able to splurge on food and alcohol in the middle of P2 – what’s the best way to handle this?
Original email for context: The issue I’m having is, my bachelorette party is September 27-30, which is 4 weeks into my P2. I want to be able to have fun and eat and drink alcohol but I don’t want to ruin the progress I will have made. So should I suspend the shots during ... [Continue Reading]
What oil-free sunscreen can I use on P2 of the hCG Diet?
I found some sunscreens advertised as oil free. Sometimes products that are advertised as such may still have small amounts of an “oil” in them, but overall these will likely be your best choice and should suffice. Body Sunscreens Hawaiian Tropic Sheer Touch - Oil ... [Continue Reading]
Loose excess skin from the hCG Diet – is there a way to prevent or help this?
Original email for context: I have about 100 pounds to lose. Because of the rapid weight loss, I am worried about having a large amount of excess skin. Is there a way to prevent this? This is my observation- how much lose skin you experience seems to be highly genetic. ... [Continue Reading]
Tattoos during the hCG Diet?
Original email for context: I am in the process of completing a tattoo sleeve. It seems that most tattoo ink includes glycerin. Do you think this will impact the diet much? I have 2 appointments during the time that I plan to do the diet. Regarding the tattoo, we're very ... [Continue Reading]
I’m wondering what information you have about taking hCG injections for the Diet when your hormones are off balance in perimenopause?
Original email for context: I'm wondering what information you have about taking hcg injections when your hormones are off balance? I just turned 52 and had my first missed period in September and again in October. I am officially in peri-menopause. Hot flashes and ... [Continue Reading]
Can I get a false positive pregnancy test from my urine while I’m taking hCG on the diet?
Yes it’s possible. It’s infrequent to be sure, but if you take note of what this Belly Belly article mentions about how many iu’s per ML of liquid (urine) is required for a pregnancy test to register as positive, it’s plausible and has happened. In that article they state ... [Continue Reading]
Can the hCG Diet slow my healing from an injury?
Original email for context: I'm just curious if the HCG diet would slow down the healing of an injury. I was injured about 10 days ago while on the diet and I'm just curious if I should stop and start putting more food in my body to allow it to heal better. I can’t say ... [Continue Reading]
How to start hCG again after cheating and being off hCG for 2 weeks.
Original email for context: I did good on the diet the first two weeks. I had dropped 10lbs. But then I got so hungry, I had a cheat, and it lasted 3 days. So I stopped injecting because I didn't know what to do. That was two weeks ago. I gained my 10 lbs back😥 But now ... [Continue Reading]
Can you suggest a body fat monitor to use on the hCG Diet?
There are 3 types of body fat testing that are most reliable (as per Rayzel's experience & research) – hydrostatic body fat testing (dunk you in water deal), bod pod (air displacement), and DEXA scan or DXA scan (scan your body). Here’s some resources for finding a ... [Continue Reading]
Can I freeze hCG to make it last longer?
While I've heard you shouldn't do this, I've also heard from a bunch of ladies who've done so without any issues. ... [Continue Reading]
I am peri-menopausal and experienced severe hot flashes after completing HCG diet. I’m hesitant to start again.
Original email for context: I am peri-menopausal and just experienced some severe hot flashes immediately after completing a round on the HCG diet. I lost 15-17lbs while using the HCG injections, but it was concerning that I not only gained the weight back fast but also ... [Continue Reading]
How to take hCG when you work Nightshift as RN etc.
It could be a good idea to both take your shot and start your "day" close to when your shift starts So as an example, take your shot around 6 or 7pm or when you begin your shift, and then your "morning" would begin then too. Whether you end up eating a portion of your ... [Continue Reading]
Can I do the hCG Diet if I’m on Birth Control?
Regarding the birth control thing, while I can't give you specific scientific type advice, I do know there are tons of women doing hCG and plenty of them are on birth control, so in that respect I am not aware of it being a problem. Also, Dr. Simeons, the one who made ... [Continue Reading]
Can I do the hCG Diet if I have Type 2 Diabetes?
Please note, I am not a medical professional and I am not qualified to give medical advice- this is simply some food for thought from a non-professional okay? Re diabetes - how you go about this depends on whether or not your diabetes is controlled through diet or with ... [Continue Reading]
Can I do the hCG Diet with PCOS?
I don't have any scientific data about this but I'll share what I can in case it helps you. From what I've read, if you are overweight and have PCOS, losing weight can improve symptoms. But the problem is as many ladies with PCOS know, it's very easy to gain weight and ... [Continue Reading]
Can I do the hCG Diet if I have Hashimotos Thyroid Disease?
I actually have hashimotos thyroiditis too! I was diagnosed with it before I discovered the hCG program, in 2010 about 9 years ago. So I did my entire hCG journey with this disease successfully. I'll share my experience in case it helps you. I have had a lot of ups and ... [Continue Reading]
Can the hCG Diet affect my ability to conceive and get pregnant?
I am not completely sure - what I do know is that hCG by itself as a hormone, without any diet attached, is used in very large doses of 5,000iu or 10,000iu at a time in 1 shot, as a fertility treatment in fertility clinics - so in some settings it actually helps you get ... [Continue Reading]
My total cholesterol level went up on hCG! Is that a problem?
Original email for context: I have to get blood work pretty often because of the pellets to check hormone levels. I did notice with both rounds that my total cholesterol level would go up about 50-70 points! Not sure if this typical for others and my doc seemed perplexed ... [Continue Reading]
Is doing a body wrap okay on the hCG Diet?
I can't be positive about this, but I feel that it's probably best not to - anything that is going to dramatically change your electrolyte levels and such might affect things. But I'm not really sure to be honest. These might be a good thing to try/do in Phase 3 though! ... [Continue Reading]
Does the hCG Diet Protocol get rid of fat cells or just empty them out?
Original email for context: Does the hCG Protocol get rid of fat cells or just empty them out so you run the risk of filling them back up if you don't maintain regularly after losing the weight? As far as I'm aware from my research the only way to actually eliminate fat ... [Continue Reading]
When would you recommend a fat fast on hCG diet? I am not sure if I really loaded properly in the beginning.
Typically on a fat fast day, a person might consume more like 1200 calories on that day during Phase 2. I don’t claim to know a lot about this, but the little experience I had personally with a fat fast - which I discuss in my post here - leads me to not recommend fat ... [Continue Reading]
Can I use Monistat on hCG?
Original email for context: Hello! I am a little over a week on my new round and just today discovered I have a yeast infection. Would monistat stall my progress because it has mineral oil? Mineral oil is actually okay to use on the hCG diet! It's just other oils that ... [Continue Reading]
What’s an oil-free foundation I can use on the hCG Diet?
Hi! I do have an hCG approved makeup list. as well as a quick article on whether or not being oil-free with our personal care products really matters or not. As far as just a couple of quick suggestions though: Clinique Stay-Matte Oil-free (has good reviews on Amazon ... [Continue Reading]
What do you think about staying on hCG without a break until you’re finished losing weight?
This question comes up frequently so I'll give you some food for thought on it. Many of you ladies may have 50-100lbs of weight lose and so it's quite tempting to begin the diet thinking you will get it all off at once without stopping. It's not that you can't do this. ... [Continue Reading]
Antibiotics on the hCG Diet?
Many find that antibiotics can stall out weight loss - I think just the stressed state your body is in from whatever is causing the need for the antibiotics then the drugs themselves makes it hard to be in a diet like hCG at the same time. Many find it's best to abort a ... [Continue Reading]
I’m just wondering if using oil free cosmetics on hCG really matters or not?
Original email for context: I've just started round 2 of hcg. This is day 3 and today is my first day of actual protocol eating after my 2 day load. I was just wondering how important it is to use oil free cosmetics. I used my regular cosmetics that claim to be oil free ... [Continue Reading]
Physical Therapy and P2 together – will this work?
Original email for context: I have to do six weeks of Physical Therapy for my back on P2. Will this affect my weight loss and if so, what can I do to keep losing while doing PT? Doing the 42 day and am starting my second vial of injections. I am not really sure how ... [Continue Reading]
If I skip my protein at lunch, can I eat more at dinner on P2 as long as my calories are 500 or less?
Original email for context: If I don't have a protein at lunch is it ok to eat a little more at dinner, if my calorie intake is still below 500. I find I am more hungry in the evening so I thought maybe this could be a solution. The original protocol did mention not ... [Continue Reading]
I had to quit hCG after only a few days but want to start again – when/how do I start?
Original email for context: I started my hcg but after 3 days I had a very bad headache and I stopped using hCG since then. Now I want to start again. So, I just wanted to know when would be the best time to start again. You can re-start the diet anytime you like really ... [Continue Reading]
Has anyone had dental work done on P2? Or highlighting hair?
This is one of those things where there’s no real way to be sure- some occasionally report a stall after procedures like this, but I don’t get lots of input on this topic. The thing that does frequently cause a problem is any procedure involving antibiotics or cortisone ... [Continue Reading]
Do Ketone testing strips come with the online hCG kits? Or do I need to buy separately?
They don’t come with the online kits - you can buy them online pretty easily on Amazon here - I have used ketone strips myself on the diet because it was fun - just FYI you will need to remove both the melba/grissini AND the fruits as well most likely in order to be in ... [Continue Reading]
If my period will be during my last days on P2, should I still skip taking hCG those days?
Original email for context: I'm on day 14 of p2. I read conflicting answers about injecting during TOM (hCG speak for period/menstrual cycle). I know we are to keep with the vlcd. I'm on the 21 day vlcd and if we are to stop injections during TOM that means my last 6 days ... [Continue Reading]
What vitamins did you take while on Phase 2 of the hCG Diet?
You know to be perfectly honest, I wasn’t a super organized health nut just yet when I started hCG so I didn’t take vitamins or anything like that at the time. The good news is I obviously did pretty well without all that! B12 As far as the other hCGers I’ve been in ... [Continue Reading]
When I can do another round of the hCG diet after giving birth?
Honestly, there's no exact or perfect answer for this but it should be the time you have fully recovered from the process of giving birth and when you're done nursing. I know how difficult it is to have babies and the best time to do the hCG diet is when you're physically ... [Continue Reading]