It could be a good idea to both take your shot and start your “day” close to when your shift starts
So as an example, take your shot around 6 or 7pm or when you begin your shift, and then your “morning” would begin then too. Whether you end up eating a portion of your 500 calories for your “breakfast”, before work, is up to you and probably depends on what the timing of your breaks look like.
Re the scheduling of hCG on your off days- it’s hard to say what is best- ideally you want your main dose of hCG to be in your system when you are awake for the most hours, but switching your dose back and forth could potentially cause hunger problems, so I’m not sure what is best- you might have to experiment with both and see how each feels to know – would love to hear what ends up working.
Not sure if this helps you, but I hope it goes well!