Original email for context: How am I supposed to eat during the 72 hours after my last hCG dose? And how do I transition into P3 with that? We just start Week 1 72hrs after our last dose? Because in my book thing I got, it says have eat the exact same P2 foods just in ... [Continue Reading]
Aren’t you supposed to have 3 days of no hCG/injections to let the hCG wear off while still being on the low calorie diet?
Actually, this is something most people really get confused on (and I did too until I really delved into it for a bit). As what Dr. S recommends, P3 starts after 72 hours after the last dose (so not after the entire day of your last dose, but literally your 72 hours ... [Continue Reading]
Why do you load for hCG diet for 2 days but you need to still do VLCD for 3 days off the hCG?
Original email for context: I’m wondering if you have any insight as to why you load for only 48 hrs (2 days) but to get off the hcg you need to still do vlcd for 72 hrs (3 days). Why would that be? The 72 hours at the end of the very low calorie diet actually includes ... [Continue Reading]
Is the 3 day transition period part of Phase 2 or Phase 3 of the hCG diet?
It's confusing isn't it! It's part of Phase 2. I have a whole post on how to do/handle this period properly: the 72 Hour Transition of hCG ... [Continue Reading]
Can I add supplements during the 72 hours getting off hCG, like fish oil and creams?
I feel like in this case since it’s only a 72-hour wait, you may as well wait till P3 actually begins to add in the oil-containing products. Since you’re so close to being able to for sure be safe adding them in any way, you know? Also, in case this helps, many get ... [Continue Reading]
I’m confused about concluding a round of hCG – the 72 hours, how many days on Phase 2 without taking hCG, etc?
I have an article that should answer all your Q’s here! All about the 72 Hours It can be confusing I know, but just remember that the basic gist is to do the injections at least 3 weeks. Anything beyond that up to the 6 weeks there are no rules - so you can stop hCG on ... [Continue Reading]