It can be overwhelming at first, that’s for sure. One thing I’d like to say is to please give yourself some time to review the information. There’s no way to really learn enough about the diet in 2 hours and then just start. Do yourself the favor of really wrapping your mind around the whole thing and that will go a long way in helping you stick to it, because this is not nearly as easy as just about any other diet out there.
Here’s probably a good order of sequence to learn:
hCG Dictionary: Common terms used on the hCG diet that might be confusing
hCG Basics: The basic rundown of the entire diet start to finish
Phase 2 – the weight loss portion – basic rundown of that.
Buying hCG Guide – your choices
Everything about Loading (Phase 1) – comes before Phase 2 – not as much to this as P2.
Very Important Points (VIP!) while on hCG:
P2 Resources: I call these sanity savers- the things to help you not go crazy on the diet.
Everything about Cheating – But I suggest not to do it or else… 
Answers to many random hCG questions- searchable like google
the hCGChica Help Hub (you are here now)