I tried once….:)
Here’s my little exercise history.
When I started my 1st round of the hCG Diet, I was about 50 lbs overweight, and did some hiking on and off with my son prior to starting. After all the reading I did and my chronic health disease (lyme and hashimotos) I decided to not exercised on hCG, so I did not do so my entire first round outside of a couple leisurely nighttime neighborhood walks with the hubs.
Immediately after my round 1, literally day 1 of P3 I went to a zumba glass and did zumba all through between round 1 and 2. I continued to not exercise on round 2 and round 3.
After Round 3, I discovered Crossfit and began crossfitting regularly during P3 and maintenance.
When time for Round 4 rolled around, ready to get to an even lower weight, I decided to see if I could still crossfit just a little on round 4.
For me? Bad idea.
I crossfitted on my loading days, since that made sense since I was eating plenty of food those days. But the first few days of VLCD on round 4- not sure which day it was- but I tried to go to crossfit- I even tried to amp it down- after the workout I felt SO dead. Completely fatigued and out of it. Additionally, my weight stalled out, right at the beginning of the round, for 10 days. Usually when a stall occurs, it happens later in the round, never right at the beginning.
So between the long stall and feeling so crappy trying to do my workout on hCG, that’s when I decided it really was too much for my body.
The rest of Round 4 and all of Round 5 I did not exercise. I always crossfitted in between though and I took long breaks between my rounds so that I had plenty of time to feel nice and strong and fit between.
For help with deciding on that for you I have a series on that here: