Yes it is. But this doesn’t mean it won’t happen. I think on almost all my rounds I had at least 1 cheat day – that said, when I did, it never felt worth it! It was a giving in that if I’d had more self control or more tools at my disposal I would have chosen NOT to – as I mention in my vlog from Round 5 when I cheated, it just wastes so much time on a protocol that is difficult and finite. Like in this case, I wasted about 4 days before being able to get lower in weight than where I was before I cheated. Like this:
- Day before cheat: New weight yay!
- Day 1: cheat – ate multiple porkchops with butter
- Day 2: .8 gain
- Day 3: lose part of that gain
- Day 4: back to day before cheat weight
- Day 5: Finally new lower weight than before cheat day.
Do you see how long and drawn out this process is – especially when you consider there was only 1 stinkin’ fun day that I got to enjoy myself eating more food?? It took another 3 days of just regaining lost ground while still having to eat the 500 calorie diet. Sheesh. So not worth it.
The other thing I have FREQUENTLY heard is youtube videos where someone cheats, then comes on the next day and says “Wow, I didn’t gain, I even still lost a little weight…I guess I got away with it!” This makes people think that sometimes your body doesn’t notice the cheat and you can just carry on as usual. However, what many people don’t see is that usually, there is ANOTHER follow-up video, the day or two after that, where they were still eating the 500 calorie diet, but experienced a 1 lb gain THEN. Or a stall.
So don’t be fooled! If you do an out and out real time cheat ladies – we’re not talking raising your calories to 800 with P2 foods (that’s an actual hCG protocol people lose weight with) – I’m talking about blunders like mine: eating the cake, having the 2 slices of pizza, the 2 porkchops as big as my face in butter – if you do that, you will almost 100% at one point during the following week experience the results of that cheat – it may not be the very next day, but you will likely waste as least 3-5 days of your journey recovering from that.
Here’s a couple resources to help you:
Fastest Way to Get Over a Cheat
How to Cheat SMARTER on the hCG Diet