For this one, it might sound counter intuitive, but some women in menopause or peri-menopause or even post-menopause need to take an even lower daily dosage of hCG on the hCG diet than is typical. You may have heard that the typical lowest dosage most will take is ... [Continue Reading]
I only have about 10 pounds to lose and I am starving on the hCG Diet. I continue to struggle with dosage.
I'm so sorry you're having a bad time. Have you had a chance to see My detailed article on hCG dosage yet? Is sounds like you likely need to increase your calories at this point- at your level of leanness, there will likely be no dosage that will keep hunger at bay on the ... [Continue Reading]
Feeling literal hunger pangs this morning after two loading days and injections of 150iu. When should I adjust my dosage?
You likely already saw my comprehensive hCG Dosage Guide (and if not, please check it out!). In there I discuss an aspect that I think probably applies to your case here. Since it's your first day of VLCD, yes hunger is very common - especially after loading. My dosage ... [Continue Reading]
I’m craving “bad” foods on hCG. I’m just wondering if my dosage is right.
Original email for context: I'm just wondering if my dosage is right. I use the insulin during that goes to 100 and the doctor told me to go to 25 units. Is that the large dosage and should I start at 15? I ask because in the evenings I have the cravings for my "bad" ... [Continue Reading]
How do I manage my hunger on P2 of hCG Diet WHILE I’m still trying to find my best dosage?
Original email: Any suggestions as to how to manage the hunger pains when you are making dose adjustments? For example, if at the end of the day Monday I'm ready to eat the kitchen table what would you eat to curb the hunger until the adjusted iU's on Tuesday am have ... [Continue Reading]
I am hungry and craving ALL the time on the hCG Diet. I’ve tried adjusting my dose but nothing is working.
Original email for context: I'm into week 3 of my second round of HCG. Im doing the injections. I had quite a lot of luck my first time around but this round is different. I seem to be hungry ALL the time and craving everything! 😕 I've been altering my dose but hearing ... [Continue Reading]
How to deal with hunger on hCG in meantime WHILE still finding better dosage – what to eat?
When you need to tweak your dosage but in the meantime, you are going stark raving mad from hunger what do you do? My advice is to increase P2 veggies and protein as necessary so you don’t have an out and out cheat. Also because I have found when my dosage was off, my ... [Continue Reading]
I’m starving and weak on Phase 2 – tried adjusting my dose but still feel the same.
Original email for context: I am on day 3 of vlcd after loading well for 2 days on 150iu. Started day 1 vlcd at 150iu and was very hungry morning thru dinner but not starving. Day 2 I tried 140iu and was absolutely miserable all day until after dinner then felt ok. Woke ... [Continue Reading]
Low blood sugar on the hCG Diet
Original email for context: On P2 day 6. In the morning when I wake up I feel horrible - not hungry just shaky, weak, dizzy, diaphoretic etc. I checked my blood sugar this AM to see and it was 43! I did a clean load. And I'm following the strict protocol except I've added ... [Continue Reading]
I’m starving on hCG around 5pm until bed. – 1st round started at 150iu but found 125iu worked best. 2nd round I’m at 150iu but I’m starving
Original email for context: I have started my second go on HCG. The first time, I started at 190lbs. I eventually found that 125 IU of HCG worked best but I started at 150 and went down from there. I lost 20 pounds! but in December I was on a major medication and lost all ... [Continue Reading]
I am very hungry on homeopathic hCG drops
Full original question for context: I purchased homeopathic drops this time. Did them 5 days and stopped because don't think they are working. Very hungry not like the injections. I am really struggling and discouraged. Have you ever heard of anyone doing these drops? ... [Continue Reading]
I’ve been really hungry during the night on Phase 2 hCG, making it hard to sleep. Does this mean anything?
Original email for context: I skipped my shot yesterday and am going back to 125iu today. I started with 175iu with complete misery, then was told to go straight to 125iu through online medical advice. Went to 150iu instead for one day and two days on 125iu. I have eaten ... [Continue Reading]
I had no hunger on hCG diet Phase 2 for 10 days, then suddenly I’m very hungry a few hours after my injection. Any suggestions?
Original email for context: I started phase 2 ten days ago with little to no hunger and have lost 7lbs. I inject between 6:30-7:30 am. Now today experiencing a lot of hunger around 10:30 am. I eat lunch at noon. Any suggestions please? There’s 2 things I’m thinking of ... [Continue Reading]
I’m starving every 2-3 hours on Phase 2 of hCG diet. I’m frustrated and having a hard time functioning thru the day with ZERO energy.
This is most likely a dosage issue- please see my post on troubleshooting hCG dosage here. There's no 100% rule for knowing whether to increase or decrease which is what makes it hard but usually if you are having trouble during the whole a.m. of Phase 2, your dosage ... [Continue Reading]