Original email for context: I’m picky and get tired of the same foods repeatedly – will that work with P3toLife? I want to sign up for your program and get the guide for the weeks after so that I am fully prepared when I am ready to begin increasing my calories. I am hesitant because I am quite picky and I do grow tired of the same foods repeatedly.
I’m not sure if this will help you decide, but the meals in the P3toLife program are really varied- this is nothing like basic meal plans you might see where people have you eating plain stuff like broccoli and apples. These are full on recipes that taste delicious. The original meal plan layout has the most recipes so that it’s quite varied – most of the time you are only eating a meal two times that week, and then it is not repeated – for the 7 week meal plan there are 14 different recipes EACH week. For those who don’t have time for this we have the simplified plan which has less recipes eaten more often to save time cooking. The flavors as well are incredibly varies- we utilize recipes from all sorts of cultures – American, Greek, Thai, Chinese, Mexican, Italian, African, Indian.
That said, you also mentioned that you are picky though- and that might present a challenge for you because the plan is definitely varied as I mentioned. You can probably sub some ingredients out that you don’t like but I’d also encourage you to just give some things a try that you think you don’t like because I can’t even tell you how many people have gone through the program that said they almost didn’t make a certain dish because they don’t like that spice or that veggie or what not, but decided to just trust it and then ended up totally loving it. So just an idea there.
Regardless, it’s up to you- I have no problem issuing refunds if the program ends up not being a good fit for you- i have very few of those, so when it’s asked for It’s no problem.
Most who use this program feel it’s a way they can see themselves eating for life.