Original email for context: I had a reaction to the hcg injection on day 3 and broke out in hives …I have never had an allergy to anything in my life.
Not sure if it was because of the HCG or the theanine they add to it.
I can’t be sure about this, but what I’m wondering is if the fillers/preservatives being used in this formulation of hCG could possibly be an allergy for you? The way hCG is compounded can vary from pharmacy to pharmacy and they may occasionally change their formulations, so that is my first guess as to what could be happening. So I don’t think it’s the hCG itself most likely, but rather whatever it was compounded with.
I’m not sure if this a problem or not as far as if it’s just a discomfort thing to live with or if it’s a real problem you need to address- you’d have to talk with the original provider where you purchased your hCG about this as I don’t know.