You know what? To be honest, I don’t recommend choosing a company based on their protocol. Because ultimately you want to do your own research and do the protocol that you believe will suit you best. What you are really paying for from these companies is not their help with their protocol but the actual hCG kit. That’s where the bulk of the cost is.
So to me, you get your hCG from whoever you like, then you do the diet however you like.
That said, I should mention Diet Doc does have a staff of nutritionists who you have free access to ask questions, but here again, if you are wanting to adjust how you do the protocol, then this free service won’t be of much help to you since they work within the parameters of how they do their program.
So, in general, I just say don’t make your decision based on that factor.
Other than that, all the hCG companies offer excellent kits, with hCG that comes from U.S. compounding pharmacies- in that respect, they are basically all the same.