Fatigue can be very normal on the hCG protocol and it’s not always something you can make go away during P2, but we can talk about possible reasons and a few solutions to try.
Some rounds I felt very fatigued and others not.
Possible Causes and Solutions:
1: Electrolyte Imbalance
This is probably one of the number one causes of many of the various negative symptoms sometimes reported on hCG from headaches, to muscle cramps, to fatigue. And thankfully it’s an easy fix!
I have a full help hub article on this here: Fixing Electrolyte Imbalance on hCG
2: Toxins Being Released from Fat
This is a real thing, I’m not making this up – toxins are stored in fat- it’s a safe place the body can store all the things we are exposed to that are dangerous to our organs.
Since we are losing fat at a much more rapid pace than usual, these toxins are being released into our bloodstream potentially in larger quantities in a short span of time – and that can cause us to feel crummy / sick / tired / fatigued on hCG while our body may be a bit overwhelmed trying to clear those toxins out. How much toxins is in the fat we are currently losing vs another round of hCG may be different, and this could cause rounds to be different from one another in regards to energy levels.
One possible thing that could help this, but this is totally just a theory of mine at this point, is to take binders – these bind with toxins in your system to help flush them out of your system so that they don’t just continue circulating in your bloodstream and potentially redeposit somewhere else in your body.
Some options for binders:
- Activated charcoal
- Clay Binders – Zeobind
- Glutathione shots – scroll down the page to see the option to purchase these.
Here is a good article that discusses how binders are used – this is commonly used for detoxing with all sorts of programs from lyme to parasite cleanses to heavy metal deotx.
Activated charcoal – this is a very inexpensive and effective way to get rid of the yucky stuff in your body. Just be careful as this may also bind with medications and such so that you don’t absorb into your body what you are supposed to in that respect.
Clay binders like Zeobind are also very effective. I keep some of this particular product in my own home to help with detox when I’m feeling really crummy from my herbal lyme tincture protocol.
Glutathione Shots – this would be a pricier option, but can do a world of good – this article explains how glutathione works to help you detox very effectively. Riverfront Medical has the glutathione shots online- just scroll down the page and you will see them – looks like this:
I am a very frugal person and I used to balk at spending money on things like this, but over the years I have learned to put my well being and quality of life over money – these types of tricks can make a significant difference in how you feel all day. I wouldn’t go out and buy all this stuff at once – I might just try 1 product at a time and see how things go.
3: Carb Withdrawals
A 2nd possible reason is carb withdrawals if you were having carbs before and now suddenly your body is without them- it can take awhile before your body is functioning happily with so little carbs. This transition might take a few days to a week or more.
One way to ease this/prevent this beforehand is to clean load for the hCG Diet and optionally do a 1 week pre-hCG Diet to help clear the carbs from your system in a more painless way compared to doing this process once you are already on P2.
If you are already in P2, I hate to say it but you kind of need to grin and bear it but it shall pass!
4: B Vitamin Deficiency
This is something that has a very easy fix – B12 or other b vitamin deficiency can really make you feel tired and fatigued.
But the solution is simply to take some B vitamins- you would be amazed at just how much this can help your energy both on and of hCG if this is one of the culprits for you!
You can buy Methyl b12 shots if you like here: B12 shots with Diet Doc
Here are some by-mouth versions available online: B12 Online
5: Unresolved Thyroid and/or Adrenal Problems – EVEN If Lab Tests Were “Normal”
The standard testing that is done for thyroid hormones and adrenal hormones FREQUENTLY do not catch a hypothyroid condition or sub-optimal adrenal hormone levels. Perhaps you just haven’t felt like yourself several years but on this diet if you have low thyroid and adrenals, the diet can make that feel worse because of course eating less is more taxing to the body.
The best resource for finding out what testing to get for this to accurately show your hormone state in this regard, and how best to treat it is here:
6: I Don’t Know – Random Universe Reasons
Sometimes it’s not always clear the reason for something but I will say fatigue is a common thing felt on hCG at least at times for many people on different rounds.
I do tend to think of this protocol like a cleanse. Even though your body is providing you “calories” from your fat so that you are not actually LIVING off 500 or 800 calories, it’s still more work for the body to get it’s sustenance that way than to just eat food.
It’s hard to know what to do exactly about it if you don’t know the cause- for me I did have to kind of rachet my life down during my hCG rounds, and that was okay with me because I knew for the long term, I was doing something very important for myself and my family – if that meant I had to live a little differently for 3-6 weeks here and there, so be it.
I hope this helps a little.