Original email for context: The last two or three days I have felt very bloated after I eat lunch. This is the second time I have done the program and do not remember feeling this way- I do not think I am eating an excessive amount of salt and I am drinking liquids. Any help or ideas?
I can’t be positive of course but it seems like bloating could be caused by a few things:
- A P2 food you are eating is not sitting well with you – even if it’s the same P2 foods you were eating on a previous round, some find their body can change and not tolerate something. My suggestion to troubleshoot here is to try removing whatever you have been having for lunch the past few days and replacing with entirely different P2 ingredients. In some cases, it might even be better to try an AP (alternate protocol) vegetable ingredient – for instance, sometimes people find they don’t tolerate cabbage well at all even though it’s on Dr. Simeon’s list, but they might do perfectly fine with say, mushrooms. We have tons of P2 recipes and you can list recipes by ingredient!
- Drinking too much water with your hCG meal. In general, they say it’s best to have larger amounts of liquids separate from meals, because when you have a big thing of water or tea with a meal, it can dilute your gastric juices which you want to be more concentrated when theres food in your stomach to digest. I have experienced this myself. Since we are all told to drink tons of water on hCG, we can sometimes perhaps do it at the wrong time.
- Some women seem to have pregnancy type symptoms the first few days or the first week of hCG – things like bloating and breast tenderness. I’m not sure why for some but not others, but it’s reported enough to know it happens.
Ultimately, what has happened to use 1 round is no gaurantee we’ll have the exact same experience the following round. All my own hCG rounds were different. Each time we begin the diet, we are starting in a different place with the state of our body- our hormone levels are likely different, our weight, and the things we’ve been exposed to in life lately that may make our reaction to the things we do different now than before- in some cases for better, in some cases for worse.
I hope this helps you troubleshoot!