Yes and no. The majority of women seem to do best somewhere between 125iu -175iu for a daily dosage, regardless of height and weight. Sometimes a heavier person can be on a variety of dosages (high or low) and not really notice any difference – it seems at this point they have more fat stores to sustain them and make the low-calorie diet more comfortable overall. Once you become leaner though and have say, only 10-15 lbs left to lose, you will become typically a lot more physically aware of how your dosage effects- you can be raging hungry on the wrong dose (usually too high), and feel just fine on the right dose. At this point, in general, a lower weight equates to needing a lower dosage (ie the 125iu). Men do seem to need slightly higher dosages than women from what I’ve seen.
Please see my full hCG Dosage article for full help on the dosing topic.