This was in regards to homeopathic or hormone-free hCG spray.
2 things to help you figure things out.
The first is, I am personally not sure at all that homeopathic and especially non-hormone sprays and drops are doing what the real hormone does – protecting your lean muscle while on such a low calorie diet. If a person loses more muscle while on this diet than someone who is using the real hormone, in the sense of excessive muscle loss (depending on how overweight you are, even with hCG you will lose SOME muscle because when you become overweight you body gains “excess” muscle to carry around the extra fat, and this muscle is no longer needed when you are much smaller, so it makes sense to lose this), then you may indeed struggle with stabilizing your weight loss because your body will want to gain back whatever is the normal amount of muscle for your height and body frame size, as well as muscle is one aspect of having a higher metabolism.
But even if this is not the case- let’s say you were using the real hormone, or that you didn’t lose any excess muscle – I have see Phase 3 to be a struggle for many without a specific structured plan in place- this is because many of us don’t know how much we should really be eating for maintenance, or how to eat for maintenance in a way that feels filling and satisfying. I know this because I struggled with this myself for a couple of years until I started learning more. My P3tolife program fills that gap and women do indeed reliably stabilize when they follow it. We have found that the most reliable way to stabilize is to actually gradually raise one’s calories over a period of a few weeks, rather than to jump to higher calories right away. This allows your body to adapt to the calorie increases without shock and gaining weight.
Additionally, we utilize vegetables and fruits and liquids to make the meals very filling for the calories, so that you actually feel full and satiated on lower calories. This too makes a big difference. It’s actually very easy to eat far too many calories on “low-carb” but calorie-dense foods- I did that myself SOOO many times and couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong, or why adding in a few carbs then seem to always backfire.
As far as even with real hCG resetting your metabolism- I don’t really know that it does this. What I have seen it do is allow women who couldn’t lose weight with any other diet be able to lose weight, and I do think that it may PROTECT your current metabolism when on the diet so that you don’t experience too much metabolic slow down when eating such low calories for so many days, but as far as increasing your metabolism, especially after the diet, I have not seen it do that.
Additionally, many of us have undiscovered thyroid issues and may be hypothyroid without knowing it – if you’ve had thyroid testing and were told your results are normal, please see my post on researching and discovering hormone imbalances because the “normal” levels on lab tests are NOT what we need to go by and also many doctors are not doing the proper tests you need to discover a true thyroid issue. You will see if you go to what I mean.
This is imperative to figure out- I take thyroid medication- before hCG, during hCG, and after hCG. hCG doesn’t fix other hormone problems. We must address these to have a body with a metabolism that is functioning properly to maintain weight loss the way we want.
I hope this helps get you started with your troubleshooting!