Original email for context: I was wondering if you have heard of anyone having a problem with acne while using hCG. I am acne prone anyway but have had no breakouts for a LONG time and now on my 7th injection I am breaking out.
We do occasionally hear of someone getting rashes & acne- usually it ends up getting pinpointed back to a p2 food, or one time someone did feel it was a toxin release. Also because hCG is a hormone and some people who has acne points out hormones to be the cause. hCG tends to make the skin more sensitive as well.
One thing you might try however, is taking some Apple Cider Vinegar – this has been known to improve skin even when off the hCG Diet, so it stands to reason it may help while on P2, and it’s totally allowable on hCG since it’s just vinegar.
Here are some positive stories related to apple cider vinegar and acne – these are unrelated to hCG:
1 Week Experience of using ACV for skin
You can take it internally or apply it topically. It is highly recommended that you get raw unfiltered unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar with the “mother” for this.
Some ideas for drinking it since it’s a very strong taste:
Mix 1-2 tbsp of ACV in a glass of water with stevia
Topical application as a face toner:
Put a small amount of ACV in a glass of water and apply to your skin with a cotton ball and let air dry. Do this 1-2x a day.
As far as how much ACV to use, one suggestion was 1 part ACV to 4 parts water, but it was noted that for some this might be too strong if their skin is sensitive (remember vinegar is a strong acid!)
Make sure to dilute this you guys because it’s a strong acid- you don’t want to burn your throat or face!