Original email for context: How am I supposed to eat during the 72 hours after my last hCG dose? And how do I transition into P3 with that? We just start Week 1 72hrs after our last dose? Because in my book thing I got, it says have eat the exact same P2 foods just in larger amounts for about a week… Should I do that for a week and THEN do your P3toLife meal plean Week 1? Or just 72hrs post last dose jump into your Phase 3?
Good question! I have a detailed post that will help you with deciding how to eat during the 72 hour period without hCG – this sometimes needs to be handled a little differently than a regular P2 day when you are taking hCG.
Once the 72 hours is up however, the P3toLife program is indeed designed to be started as soon as the 72 hours finish- so I personally wouldn’t recommend eating more p2 foods for a week after the hCG is out of your system with this. The calories are low enough on week 1 of the program to be designed to transition your body just fine. If you did more P2 foods for a week first, I would actually be concerned about your experiencing hunger since the week 1 of P3tolife is designed for right after the 72 hours- the calories gradually go up as your appetite and ability to digest more food increases week by week.
While some may choose to go this route of eating more P2 foods during the first week of P3, we have found in the P3tolife program that this just really isn’t necessary – usually most of us ladies are SO SICK of those P2 foods after already eating all that plain boring food for 3-6 weeks, and in P3toLife because everything has been carefully arranged with calories and macros for the recipes, you can have plenty of variety and taste right away in P3 and still easily stabilize your weight loss- in fact many ladies actually continue to lose weight during the first 2 weeks of P3toLife, all while loving the food and not being hungry.