Original email for context: I really want to do this and be successful at it but last night I was also reading about people that had had heart attacks and strokes doing this diet. Some very young. That was kinda scary. Just curious to know if you have heard this and if so, what prevents this from happening? Any thoughts or things you have heard?
You know I’ve gotten this question a few times lately and to be honest, I just don’t know. If it helps at all, I have not had anyone, not a single person, in the 5 years of having my blog and getting thousands of emails, tell me something like this has happened to them a result of hCG.
What I’d like to point out here is that hCG is a natural hormone that every woman’s body produces in HUGE amounts when pregnant. We are taking the teeny tiniest daily dosage that doesn’t even compare with it. Also on your menstrual cycle every single month, a woman produces some hCG. So hCG is a very natural hormone to have in our bodies. So I could be wrong, but I honestly feel like those are scare tactics being thrown out there by not real people who hate on this diet. hCG spares muscle when doing such a low calorie diet, which is an amazing thing. I did 5 total rounds myself.
I’m not sure if this helps, and you must do what you feel is safe, and to be honest I really cannot say or vouch for whether those stories are true or not- perhaps they are – but I also know that because the hCG protocol is so controversial, some individuals have purposefully put out false information and stories to scare people off from it.
But for me and my own experience I’ve had with hCG, I would easily do it again and would not be concerned myself with those things. The only thing I’m concerned about with hCG is the many people doing it with homeopathic hCG instead of the real thing and I think there is a danger they are damaging their muscle and metabolism from that. That’s actually my own personal biggest concern with this protocol.
Just remember 2 things:
1.hCG is a natural hormone that our bodies produce all the time throughout life
2. People don’t hate on fasting like they do on this 500 calorie diet – seems like not eating at all would be more dangerous than eating 500-800 calories a day. But we aren’t seeing the same scare stories being circulated about that. Makes you wonder.