Good Q! First of all, I do want to say, it’s definitely not required or necessary.
However, some who have chosen to do the Ultraburn injections (Lipo shots for P3 with Nu Image Medical – you can buy them just by themselves without hCG if you already bought hCG somewhere else – tutorial on that here). Many do feel improved energy and some go so far as to tell me that they feel the lipo shots really help them both stabilize and maintain their weight. I haven’t tried this so I just don’t know myself.
I believe some of our short video clips from our interviews of ladies who used Lipo here – address this in particular about using lipo in P3 and beyond, so check that out to hear their thoughts.
I do utilize supplements in my own day to day life in maintenance- not really for my weight per se, but for my health conditions, and these do indeed cost hundreds of dollars a month if I add them all up. So there is a time and circumstance in life for spending that kind of money on an ongoing basis.
However, I do want to mention 1 thing. I think we’d all like to believe that taking a simple shot will let us maintain our weight effortlessly. And that what we eat and our nutrition won’t matter so much. But ultimately, what I really think is that much more important than a shot, is your actual nutrition. The P3toLife program was designed to guide you exactly through P3 and beyond so that you get intuitively trained how to eat for lifelong maintenance. It really works. I utilize all these principles in my own 6+ year weight maintenance now.
Before you think, wait Rayzel, this is YOUR program, of course you’re going to tout it over other products.
That’s really not the reason. Don’t believe me if you like, but I do not need to sell memberships. I’m just telling you the honest truth that lipo shots, b12 shots, other supplements- these are just small additional toppings on a “cake” that should be nutrition and understanding what eating for maintenance is all about.
Ultimately, if you have the funds to follow a structured program for maintenance for a time as well as the lipo/b12 shots, yes totally go for it and see what you think! And I say “for a time” regarding the P3toLife program because you don’t need to follow something exact forever- just long enough to have the principles sounded down into you, then you can easily make your own eating decisions on your own.
If you only have funds to try 1 of these things – in this case I would say 90% of the time the right choice is to go for nutrition.
The other 10% of the time is for those ladies who really don’t care about the taste or volume of the food they eat in regular life – there are definitely some of you out there! And if that’s you, you may be just fine with eating chicken and broccoli most days and taking your lipo shot. In that case, you don’t need/want a program like P3toLife and you’ll feel like it’s way too much work. That’s okay. It’s just not for you or your personality.
So I bet this was way more than you were bargaining for on a reply!! But I hope this helps give you some perspective on things like this, and to always remember no matter what, even if you try them, don’t let’s fool ourselves about how much of a role they are playing- nutrition first, supplements as a topping to make our nutrition efforts pay off even more.