Original email: My husband and I have been following the P3tolife meal plan for a week now. He is down five pounds from his LDW, even with eating extra portions and apples. I’m UP 1.4 pounds from LDW, eating the normal portions. I haven’t eaten anything “off diet,” I haven’t exercised (other than my daily work, since I’m a teacher), I’m not sick, I’m not on my period… what the heck? What am I doing wrong?
Okay girl- you are still in that 2 lb window- there is no need whatsoever to worry right now. I always fluctuate 3lbs up and down in my daily life. I would not do a steak day unless you felt fairly sure you had eaten in a way that you knew wasn’t probably a good idea. It’s VERY normal and common to not stabilize right at your LIW/LDW weight- that’s why that 2 lb range is there- it’s not there in case you do something wrong, it’s there because our bodies may regain a little fluid weight and such- you need to give yourself that wiggle room to see where you body feels most comfortable stabilizing at.
You aren’t doing anything wrong. You may stabilize there. That’s okay. There’s a window for a reason. And it makes sense your hubby is losing- he has way more muscle mass being a man and higher metabolism from testosterone so don’t compare yourself to him.
So my best advice is to just keep waiting things out and see how the next few days go okay? Only if you end up over that 2lb mark would I consider a correction day. Honestly for myself I’d even give myself more like a 3 lb window.