In general, if you bought your hCG kit through one of the recommended hCG suppliers on my site, you’ll have everything you need for your hCG round and won’t need extras, but on occasion you might find yourself needing extra individual supplies.
Bacteriostatic water is what you want for mixing your hCG with and you can get that on it’s own at
Do NOT buy sterile water for mixing your hCG with because that is not intended to be used for more than 1 dose/shot at a time, as it does not contain the preservative agent that bacteriostatic water has for keeping the vial of hCG bacteria free for the weeks it’s sitting mixed in the fridge.
There’s all sorts of insulin syringes on Amazon. The gauge is how thick or thin the needle is. I find that 28g-30g is best. 31g can work but they are ultrafine and do bend easily. Less than 28 starts to uncomfortable when injecting because it’s thicker.
Length of needle: typically 5/16″ works well.
Size of syringe (how much liquid the syringe holds) – our dosages of hCG are quite small, so 3/10th cc/ml is fine, as is 1/2 cc/ml. 1cc/ml is also fine but not needed.