Unmixed hCG can be stored up to its written expiration date and it would be best to store it in a cool place away from sunlight. The powder is shelf-stable, so as long as it isn’t mixed, it doesn’t need to be refrigerated. However, if it’s summer and pretty hot in the house, seems like keeping in the fridge may be a good idea just to be safe. It only begins to slowly lose potency once mixed. Technically speaking, the vial should not be used at all once the expiration date is up, however, it’s very likely that it could be used past the expiry date with no potency issues – this is a legal thing here in the U.S. when it comes to expiry dates required. (Which is why vials of hCG from overseas may have a 1-2 year expiration date) – technically hCG powder is shelf-stable that long.
You can purchase unmixed hCG kits online, with pharmaceutical hCG made IN the U.S. here: