Original email for context: You addressed the real hcg and reliable resources however today I went to gyn who gave me his experience with it, told me very little about and handed me a bag of prefilled syringes. What are your thoughts? How do I know if he’s using “real”?
I’m pretty sure any hCG from a doctor in syringes will be real hCG. No one injects not-real hCG hormone.
When you inject something, it has to be made under different more sterile circumstances because you are bypassing some of the body’s normal safety precautions, so hCG that is sold for injection has undergone different methods of creation and testing. It would be quite dangerous to take a bottle of homeopathic or hormone free hCG drops and inject that because they have not been prepared under sterile conditions.
That said, the dosage of hCG makes a huge difference in getting the proper non-hunger effect on this diet, and it looks like you probably don’t know what dosage is in those pre-filled syringes.
You might call and ask him that so you have an idea, and then as you proceed, use my hCG Dosage guide to adjust as needed.
Adjusting dosage is not as easy with pre-filled syringes – but for you in this case: to reduce you would need to squirt some out to the level you want to try before injecting, and obviously you wouldn’t be able to increase the dose. However, usually doctors prescribe higher dosages of hCG than a person needs, vs. the other way around, so most likely if any adjustments are needed it will be down.
In the future, if you want more control over your dosing you can get real hCG kits where the hCG will be in a vial that you pull the amount you need out each day in a syringe from the online sources I recommend here: