Yep! While not many choose to eat the grissini/melba toast on hCG, if you do, most of the standard brands like this one that you come across are about the same. You will notice that the ingredients say “molasses” and you might be like, Oh my goodness it has sugar! But if you take note of the nutrition facts the grams of sugar say zero – so this indicates that per serving, there is so little molasses as to not even equal 1 gram (there are 3 grams of sugar in 1 tsp).
Remember too that the serving size for the diet is only 1 melba toast per meal (20 calories worth) – not 3 pieces like the box has for their servings. Just a little bit of grain and the texture that it adds can REALLY add a lot of taste and enjoyment to an hCG meal – here are a couple recipes where we utilize the grissini or melba toast in P2 recipes:
Grilled Shrimp Caesar Salad w/ Grissini Croutons
Spicy Asparagus Chicken Soup w/ Melba Toast
That said, some find the hCG protocol an opportunity to remove gluten from their diet to see if it’s a problem for them (that’s how I personally found out I was gluten sensitive!) as it takes about 3 months of really being off it before you can reintroduce it to see if it bothers you. I wasn’t able to do that on my own and I had tried! There just wasn’t enough motivation to do it. Once I was on hCG though, the weight loss was really motivating so that helped me stay the course, and by the end I discovered that I am gluten sensitive in the sense that it causes severe intestinal pain if I eat it – vs. something like rice, I can go three months without that, and reintroduce it no problem.
I hope that helps!