While the original protocol didn’t allow mixing vegetables, I personally found that it could be done successfully if some basic principles are followed, and I discuss those in detail in this post here that you might find useful to you:
Mixing Vegetables on the hCG Diet- The Deets
Ultimately, you should do what you feel comfortable with!
P2 Recipes if You ARE Mixing Vegetables
If you do feel comfortable mixing vegetables, we have a TON of delicious P2 hCG recipes just waiting for you to make them over here:
P2 Recipes if You’re NOT Mixing Vegetables
Aaannnnd if you don’t, that’s okay, I have recipes for you too – here’s a few non-mixing veggies recipes. 🙂 Note that in some of these recipes we do use up to 1 tbsp per serving of minced onion, and we do not count this as “mixing vegetables” but rather as a spice as if you were using garlic powder or onion powder- this has been acceptable to most hCGers as being “on” original protocol for many years now since Tammy Skye utilized it in her hCG Diet Gourmet Cookbook