Original email for context: So I bought the 26 day injection- I am doing 125iu dose instead of the prescribed 200iu, which means I’ll have some left over – can I continue using what’s left over until it’s gone?
There’s a couple of factors to help you decide.
If you had a 5000iu vial, then on 125iu dosage you would technically get a total of 40 doses out of that right? So close to 6 weeks. That’s certainly a normal amount of time to safely be on the diet according to Dr. Simeon’s original outline of things.
But one thing you might want to just at least track is your hunger as you pass week 3 of using that same vial.
Once hCG is mixed, it does start to gradually lose it’s potency, even in the fridge. We don’t really know at what rate though. Most find that the vial always has enough potency to use for a full 3 weeks. Past that point things can start to get a bit iffy – if you are into week 4 and you start to notice more symptoms of hunger or low energy or just feeling off or just no weight loss, it’s possible the potency may be slipping so much that there’s not enough of it to really do what you need in your body at that point.
At that point you have a couple choices- you can stop at that time, or you could also try increasing the dosage of hCG at that point to counteract the fact that the potency is decreased. I really can’t give you a suggestion as to how much. But that might get you by where you can still use it.
Lastly, always let where you are at mentally with the diet be your guiding principle as to when it’s time to stop vs keep going. Don’t let $50 be the thing that drives you stay on the diet if you are feeling really miserable and done because this can backfire. Being miserable on the diet can lead to cheating and having to fix that, in which case it would have been better to just finish a little earlier while you were still on top of things. Make sense?
I hope that helps you with your decision!