I hear about this from time to time. Even someone I know who did a few rounds with nothing like this suddenly had explosive diarrhea on around, and we were not sure why this was happening. I also found a thread on the hCG Diet Forum of a woman saying she would always get this at the start of her round, but then it would go away.
One thing you could try to help it is activated charcoal. This ain’t for barbecuing with. 😉 Activated charcoal is a detoxifier and is really good for mopping up toxins in your system when on a cleanse- which is very much like what the hCG protocol is to me. Toxins are stored in fat and as you release fat in a greater quantity than usual in such a short period of time, it makes sense that there may be more toxins circulating in your body than usual as well. But back to our topic.
This .gov article notates activated charcoal as effective at helping with diarrhea, actually for the reasons I mentioned above. The article states,
“It was found that the main precursors of diarrhea include drugs and bacterial infection. Activated charcoal has a firm history in its ability to attract and expel ingested toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. It acts to prevent system absorption of these adverse entities, adsorbing them on the surface of its particles, making it a suitable diarrheal treatment.”
Btw, I also use activated charcoal to whiten my teeth! I used the original kind, then tried an activated charcoal made from coconut shells, and that did not work the same at all! I’m not sure if that’s any indication on it’s ability when it comes to my insides, but I would stick with the original type of activated charcoal myself just in case.
Here a couple to choose from:
Zen Charcoal – powder- you can just mix a little, ½ tsp or 1 tsp, in some water and drink it.
Natures Way – capsules – it’s encouraging to read one of the top reviews on this bottle talks exactly about it helped their diarrhea. I’m not sure about dosage, but that person stated they took 4-6 pills per day in either 2 or 3 doses.
The ONLY thing to be careful of with this, is to take it away from any important medications you take- because it will likely bind with these as well so that you won’t be absorbing it. Like I wouldn’t take this within a couple hours of swallowing my thyroid meds or my adrenal medication. They actually use this in hospitals for people who have drug overdosed on something.
I did read online that other diets can cause diarrhea too – this post mentions switching to low carb diet initially causing this. And THAT research led me to some other interesting information – which is that protein in the absence of fat can cause diarrhea too! Trippy. So if you are experiencing diarrhea, you might just try adding a tsp or 2 of coconut oil to your meal just to SEE if that helps.
Also look at foods you may be eating on P2 that can contribute- any sugar alcohols like xylitol and erythritol are known for causing this sort of thing in regular life, and on P2 could be more pronounced when you have less food for it to be digested with. I know I have to be careful how much erythritol I consume in a day and try to keep it to only 1 tsp or so.
Some feel it’s the body cleansings itself- I’m really not sure! A few days of that seems okay but definitely prolonged diarrhea is not a good thing and if it doesn’t stop it would seem the safe thing to do to discontinue hCG for the moment.
I hope this helps you address and mitigate the problem!