Original email for context: Can I replace the 500 calorie meal plan with pre-made shakes? (protein shakes, meal replacement shakes
I think this can be done on occasion when you are super hurried or what not, but I don’t personally think doing this to replace all your calories on a daily basis while on the diet is a wise idea.
Part of this program is about learning to eat real, whole, healthy foods- something that a shake just isn’t doing.
If you do utilize meal replacement shakes here and there, be sure to select one that doesn’t have added sugar in the ingredients, and must be very low in fat- that’s the challenge is meeting both those criteria.
I looked online to see if I could find a few suitable ones. I’ll be honest and say that MOST of the ones I found, especially the more popular known brands, do NOT fill these 2 criteria- they almost all have added sugar in some form and the fat content is too high.
Slimfast Advanced Nutrition – this particular slimfast product has very low sugar, like 1g, but still has 9g of fat per bottle which to me is not ideal at all for hCG- but if you were totally desperate, I suppose it could work.
While I didn’t find much in the way of suitable meal replacement shakes, I do have quite a few quality protein powders I can recommend if you want to make your own shakes on P2 to replace your protein serving: